Archive for April 25, 2015

Receiving and Letting Go

Job had great wealth and wonderful family.
Yet, in one day, his wealth and family was forcefully taken away from him.
Such a great loss.
In the midst of grief, he uttered one powerful statement.

The LORD gave.
The LORD hath taken away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD

As Christians, there are times when God seemingly blesses us something… Only for it to leave us a few moments later.
For whatever reason, it leaves us.
When it happens, can we still say the same thing as Job?

Job’s wealth and family were indeed restored to him in the end.
However, he didn’t know all this restoration in the beginning.
Similarly, even when we feel much loss and grief without being able to see any restoration, can we still declare the same statement as Job?

The LORD gives and takes away.
Blessed be His name.

Posted April 25, 2015 by Jefri Yue Fei 吴岳飞 in Thought