Archive for September 12, 2013

CHC Trial 11, September, 2013 (Day 19-Day 13 Tranche 2): Consistency, Why City News Is Better

Finally, Wahju finished testifying in the court.
It must have been so emotionally straining for him that he even came out from the court with teary eyes.
He managed to maintain his consistency during re-examination by the prosecutors.
Obviously, the prosecutors pressed him left right center as Wahju’s answer had been in favor of CHC leaders during examination in chief and cross examination.
Splendid work, Wahju! Do rest up a lot, ok? :D

Anyway, the ninth prosecution witness, Foong Daw Ching, appeared in the court too.
He mentioned he was upset with Straits Times for quoting him even though he had not spoken to any Straits Times people.
That’s the reason why City News is better!!!! City News is way more reliable!

Mr. Foong, please defend the leaders too, ok? :D :D :D